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Seniors Szn Baby!!

Not quite senior citizens yet, but we have finally made it to senior year!! As im writing this im trying to cram a summer's worth of reading into one night. I took a well needed break from reading and the realization hit me that this is senior year. Like this is it. Personally I dreaded going back to school senior year or not; all I could think about was school from 8:30 to 3:30 then work at 5:00pm every night. Sounds like a nightmare right? Wrong. While at work some of my co workers were talking about how they didnt want to work all the time and they wanted to still be able to live their senior year. I thought "then dont work!" We have an awful habit of wishing one thing but never doing anything different to attempt to change it. I decided I wanted to change it up.

Today I talked to someone I hadnt talked to in a while, we used to see each other every single day at school but now she graduated and our old routine wasnt an option anymore. Just because there was one change that effected us doesnt mean our friendship had to change.

It was a mix of congradulations and wistfulness seeing my friends graduate; but at the same time one cant help but think "wow some of these people I may never see of speak to again." It's true relationships do change after highschool, but it doesnt always have to be a change for the worse. I realized that if I want my senior year to be a certain way then im going to have to make it that way. Can I control everything? No, and quite frankly I dont want to, that's God's job and He has everything under control. You cant always be in control, but you can stop getting in the way of your own life. Often times we are our main hindrance, we continue to press the brakes on our own green light. We stop ourselves from going out to do what we want because "maybe i'll know no one there", "im not as pretty as everyone else", "I would be out of place if I went", "it would probably be better if I stayed home", etc. Stop doubting yourself! Trust me I do it too, overthinking takes up a good portion of my day but I hope to change this.

You should always live your best life at any point in your life; the difference of being a senior is that the people you see daily now you wont see daily then. Monday through Friday you are put in a big social pool, you have gone to school with many people for thirteen years, you have watched each other grow up, you have made many relationships and lost just as many, you have a minimal amount of responsibilites, you still live with your parents, you dont have to adult yet!! Make the most of this time and I promise you wont regret it.

It's your last year as a highschooler. It's your last year until you are thrown into the world to make your own path. It's your last year where you see your closest friends before everyone splits up for college. It's the beginning of many lasts. Rather than dwelling on every last that is to come and dreading for it to end I encourage you to cherish and live every moment of what is to come.

As we approach the first full week of school I made it a point to make plans, I always tell others "yeah we should go do that sometimes", but when is sometime? I decided that "sometime" would become now, because if not now then when? Coming up this week I have a date on Wednesday, tennis with friends on Friday and breakfast with my girls on Sunday. The goal isnt to have a full schedule every single week. The goal is to do what you want with the people you love in the time that has been given to you - oh and to take lots of pictures in the meantime!


8th GRADE : We ruled the school and only worried about our cougar carnival tickets!

FRESHMAN YEAR: We were at the bottom of the school and yet we still believed we were the baddest!!

We made new friends and tried to find our way on a new campus.

SOPHOMORE YEAR: Hey! We're no longer freshies and this is probably our easiest year of highschool, lets have fun with it!! We branched out, found new friends, and started to piece together who we wanted to be in this world.

JUNIOR YEAR: You will meet some of the best people who will shape you for the rest of your life. Dont sit idle in highschool, find a club or a sport and get involved you wont regret it!!

Mental breakdowns are unavoidable, but dont lose sight that it's just a paper not the end of your life. Make your friends and yourself a priority!

Party!! It's your second to last year of highschool and the most challenging year at that. ACTs and test will try to consume your year, be responsible always, but have fun your a teenager for only 1 more year!

Become closer with your friends! They are the ones who will be there through all of your ups and downs; dont take them for granted. College is a year away and your crew may not be able to see each other every day anymore!!

SENIORS! SENIORS! SENIORS! Its senior szn! We have made the long trek of 12 years! Every tear, laugh, new friend, lost friend, and everything inbetween has led up to our last year of highschool. Once again we are at the top and in less than 180 days we will be done with highschool forever! All though that seems like a dream its the little things we are going to miss, its the community of friends we've built, its the lack of responsibilities, not having to adult, its breaking rules with minimal consequences, and so much more. It's senior year where our formative years have come to a close in a way we hopefully wont regret. There are no turn backs or do overs live your year as if it was your last!

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