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Broker Than A Chicken Nugget

Surprise im a really good saver when it comes to money. I've had alot of people ask me how I have all the money to do all that I do and go out all the time. The answer is simple: i save and i plan. Everyone's money situation is different and varies on your personal financial situation; heres some tips to help on a day to day basis.

If you dont have a job or any type of income saving may be hard for you, but if you are employed every paycheck you get you should set part of that aside for your savings. Spending your whole paycheck is not smart and is honestly a waste of money for often temporary expenses. Whenever I get paid I save the hundreds and keep the rest in my checkings, say I get paid for $350 I will save $300 for my savings and have $50 for spending. You may read this and think "wow my whole paycheck will be gone, im not getting any money for myself" but really if you get paid every week you have $50 to spend each week. For most teenagers who dont have bills to pay this should be plenty of money to do stuff throughout the week without spending everything you have. Another thing to keep in mind is to be consistent. You should have a set amount each week that you want to put into savings and stick to that week by week. Personally I dont have bills to pay but I am paying for my own car. Im 17 and I still dont drive! This is because I cant afford a car yet but I am steadily working toward saving for one!

In the midst of saving for a car I also have to pay for any extra expenses/activities that I want to participate in. Just last year I paid $500 for nationals, $700 for kickboxing, $300 for state, $200 for my apbio/apenvironmental trip, and $300 for my ap tests. All in all these took a toll on my savings, but I planned that these things were going to happen and spent accordingly. All throughout my junior year of highscshool I never went on a shopping spree and I never bought food for myself, if I spent money on food it was to eat out with my friends. Which brings me to my next point dont just spend your money because you feel like it. I spend money when im going out with my friends or have a school or sport expense; spending money on oneself can be a regular spending but for me its something I do every once in a while to treat myself. But again this all depends on how much you want to save and how much you have to pay for.

Lastly if you really want to save money then dont spend money! Not spending money doesnt mean stay at home and not hang out with anyone it means get creative, try something new, enjoy another's presence, having fun isnt always expensive. Have a movie night, everyone's house has movies and a tv; have a paint night, cook with your friends, play a board game or a sport, or something that my friends and I have done recently is have a skate and paint night. You can meet up with your friends anywhere and paint shoes, jeans, rocks, and also skate everyone just has to bring a skateboard and meet up. With good company not spending money can be easy; I hope that these tips have been helpful and your bank account grows!

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