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Bucket Lister

Bucket list. According to the google definition is "a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime."

Recently I started to plan my friend's and I's senior trip when I realized there is soo much I want to do and experience. I got curious and decided to ask my family what was on their bucket lists; to my surprise it wasnt an immediate response. A lot of people dont know what they want to do they kinda just think about things and think "oh yeah that'd be cool", but they say it in a way as if they could never see themselves doing it. Which I found weird because essentially everyone settled for less and was ok with that. Rarely anybody takes the time to look into things and make their bucket list a reality, to many people it's a list of what could be cool and not a to do list. I dont want that to be my truth or my reality. Another thing I found that set myself apart was that I wanted to experience more things than most people. On an average bucket list the list contains going places and seeing things and not doing anything as if the visit was enough, and maybe it was. I want to try extreme sports, swim with rare animals, and go to the ends of the earth.

I want to share my personal bucket list to maybe evoke you to try something new, get out of your comfort zone, for you to stop telling yourself that you cant, and for you to break your routine.


*Kayaking through the Grand Canyon

*Swimming with sharks

*Swimming with manatees

*Visit a black sand beach

*Visit a sloth sanctuary

*Visit glowworm caves in New Zealand

*Go wingsuit flying

*Go freediving

*Go cliffdiving

*Go flyboarding

*Navigate a personal underwater sub



*Bathe an elephant

*Visit a volcano

*Hold a monkey

*Ride a hot air balloon

*Blue lagoon geothermal spa in iceland

*Float in the Dead Sea

*Stay at an icehotel in Sweden

*Swim in cenotes in Mexico

*Visit Easter Island

*Visit Machu Picchu in Peru

*Visit castles in Europe

*Bungee jump off of a bridge

*Go kite buggying

*Dune buggying

*Sand surfing

*Ride a camel

This is my bucket list in counting! I enjoy trying new things and also enjoy adrenaline and extreme sports! As I go through my bucket list I also plan to add these items/stories/adventures into my blog:)

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