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Temporary Not Permanent

Temporary. The things we buy, the food we eat, the people we know, the places we go, etc all of that is temporary we view all of those things as normal because temporary things are all that we know. We are surrounded and in love with temporary things because we live in a temporary world.

Recently I've been struggling with a conflict that i'm involved in but have no control over, you can imagine my distress. It's the kind of situation where your heart is telling you one thing while your mind is telling you another thing and everyone you know is saying something different. Either way this problem is resolved I know I will be okay and I know God will provide, but im still scared and im still worried. But then I thought of something - this is all temporary. Everything I have now I will not take to Heaven with me, and that gave me one of the biggest comforts that I could have ever known.

Think of your path in life as an ocean and everything that Satan throws at you is a wave, some will drown and sink beneath the waves, others will let the waves crash on their own and learn to rise above. Just like waves, the struggles we encounter are short lived; that's not to say that they are mindless occurrences with little damage; no, waves can pull you under, have you struggling for breath, they can knock you down, they get the biggest and the smallest of us, whether it be body builders at the beach or the small grains of sand being affected. But then all of the sudden it's over the sun comes out and the waters are calm.

Imagine two people walking in the sand and its sunny one is you and one is God then imagine on the other side of the beach it's stormy and there is only one set of footprints you look at the sand and wonder God where were you when I needed you. God never left you, that one set of footprints are God's, not because God dealt with your issue for you but because He was there and carried you on his back when times were rough.

I began to realize that what im going through and whatever I will ever go through is of this world and is not permanent. God is the only thing worth clinging on to, I want Him to be my everything and to be not consumed of things of this world. The world will go away Christ's love, presence, and promises never will.

We hear all of these truths such as: God has already won the battle, God has defeated death, God loves us, God casts out all fear, God will provide, God's grace is sufficient, God will never leave or forsake you, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, God hears all of our prayers and knows our hearts, etc. there's all of these truths and we know and recognize them but we get too comfortable in just repeating and reading them that we fail to trust in them and remember them when things get tough.

God is not temporary He is permanent and He has prepared a place for you and me, it brings me great peace to know that I have a home and a Heavenly Father that wants me, never stops loving me, and unceasingly forgives. The world will fade away, but God's goodness will be revealed more and more, the light He brings to one's life is uncomparable and unimaginable. Every christian has something that the world does not and cannot attain, we have something permanent and not temporary.

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