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Summer Awaits

For those still in school, like myself, summer is less than 2 months away - school is 2 months away from being DONE for the year. As summer awaits and everybody has the mindset that this is going to be the best summer yet here are some tips to ensure that mindset becomes a reality.

The first step is to know what you dont want to waste your time on or what you dont want to bring you down this summer; make a do less list:


looking for love love yourself, life, and others

texting reading, coffee, conversations

judging complimenting, hyping even

waiting for what's next enjoying the moment

resenting forgiving

stressing party

staying in go out YOLO

settling seeing your worth, persisting

waiting make opportunities, friends

pessimism optimism

sitting around workout, be active

worrying focus on the good

"what ifs" "lets do it"

FOMO focus on the good, see blessings

silence loud singing

standing have a dance party

You may not have realized but your'e only a teenager for 2,556 days so sleep in or wake up early, cherish your friends, look at the stars, let your hair down, take risks, travel, make new friends, go to that concert or that party, be adventurous, take care of yourself and those around you, hug you parents, count your blessings, change the world. Everyday isn't guarenteed seek to live your best life, one that you and others who care about you can be proud of. Sometimes you will love life and life will love you right back.

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