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All The Single Ladies

Happy late Valetines day loves!

For my valentines day I went to a galentines dinner and it was so sweet to be surrounded by friendship and a wonderful group of girls! Walking in I only knew two girls, but everyone was welcoming and it was nice to see everyone come together whether they had a valentine or not. This post is going to be short, but i want to add some short reminders for a love based holiday:).

"Whenever you feel unloved or unimportant or insecure remember to whom you belong." - Ephisians 2:19-22 Sometimes everyone can feel really unloved, we tend to focus on worldly things to fill the voids in our heart instead of realizing how much we are loved. More than our friends love us, more than our parents love us, we have a God with an undeniable love for us that loves us at all of moments. He is the God that knows all, forgives all, and still continues to love all.

We should never seek joy in a place where we lost it. Seek God first. Let Him guide you into true love. Dont let memories from an unfit relationship drag you back into wanting fleeting moments for a temporary happiness.

"Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to you're own journey." -S. Mcnutt. We get so wrapped up wanting love that we forget to enjoy where we are at, we end up loving the idea of love more than we are enjoying life.

Ignoring your pain is not moving on its just finding new places to find. Your feelings are valid. You have the right to feel whatever your feeling, you arent exaggerating, overreacting, or being dramatic. Your arent being too sensitive. Youre hurting and thats more than ok. "It hurts because it mattered." - John Green

"A heart thats been hurt is a heart that has been loved" - Ed Sheeran. Our faith doesnt dismiss us from difficulties. The storms life has yet to throw at you or already has thrown at you comes to every person, but God will not allow something to happen unless He has a divine purpose for it. At the end of the day just know there are so many fruits you havent tasted. So many beautiful songs you have not discovered. Intriguing conversation you havent had. Oceans you have not felt. Places you havent seen. Words you havent read. Wisdom you havent recieved. Friends you havent made. Souls that your heart has not touched. But overall remember that you are loved by and almighty, loving, caring, gracious God!!

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