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Worrying Is Worshipping Your Situation, Not God

I worry alot. Like alottttt. Maybe you can relate maybe you cant, if you can - don't let that worry eat you alive because it will or at least it will try. Worrying has to do a lot with control, if we felt like we had control or didn't need control over situation we wouldn't worry, or at least not nearly as much. For me personally there is one particular event once a week that worries me, part of my week im care free because I know its a week away the other part Im torture myself by thinking of what could easily happen. I spend my week like this only to get to the event and be scared the whole time because I dont know what the outcome will be until it's over. Throughout the event I have little relief and often feel alone and scared. The truth is fear is a liar and worrying is a waste of time.

In most areas of my life having control isnt a big desire of mine I enjoy not knowing what may happen next or where my life will take me. I know God has a purpose throughout the good times and my tough times I try my best to remember that God's got me and if He's got me then I dont need to worry. I give control in areas of my life where I don't specifically feel threatened, this cant be said for fear. When im scared my initial reaction can be compared to someone drowning, and that's often what it feels like. My arms flail, my body thrashing for control, gasping for breaths, and silently screaming for help. The devil is happy to see us react this way, it shows that we are scared, worried, not trusting in God, and are letting the devils tactics get to us.

Worrying isn't a one time thing, compare worrying to stealing you may steal one item but you dont worry one time - worrying is a constant thought process. It's consuming we tend to get in our own heads and focus on worrying rather than the one who is in control. We end up giving up our control not to God as we should but to our own worrying, we worship our situation and not God by essentially telling God this problem is too big and too complicated for Him to fix so im not going to bother going to you with my worries, fears, and doubts. Instead of reminding ourselves of God's love, protection, and provision we are overcome by the what ifs. If the would haves could have then they should have, but if they did its part of God's plan for your life and if they didnt they are still a part of God's plan. One thing to keep in mind in situations is to trust in God and not demand from Him, pray specifically but always have the mindset of if God answers your prayers give thanks and if not be ok with what He has planned for you. You not getting your way isn't God ignoring you or not answering, sometimes the answer is going to be a no or its going to be to wait; but you can't be in control of that. And maybe that scares you but maybe you could put your trust in God and instead of letting that scare you, let knowing that God is ultimately in control of your life be the biggest comfort to you.

To overcome my fear ive been praying, praying about anything and everything and praying constantly. God knows what we need but He desires for us to talk to Him. We often expect God to just give us what we want but He's not a genie! Prayer is like a phone to God, if no one is calling God can't pick up if you dont pray God can't answer.

Once a week I work alone in what is an often empty arcade until 10pm. This scares me alot. I've had to deal with drunk people in the arcade, i never know who's going to walk in or whats going to happen I have no other co-workers with me and Thursday can be really slow so I can be completely alone. This absolutely terrifies me. I have to run a building a by myself, at night, in an ok but not well populated area, in an arcade with only neon and blacklights and im only 16. To cope with this fear i've had to quit watching scary movies and the news, because my mind will wander to all the bad things that could happen to me with no one to help or witness. I've started making my job a regular topic in my prayers and when Im alone I blast my Jesus music at the arcade. I've also been blessed to have friends who will come and stay with me at the arcade for the night just because im scared. I started coping with this in November, when I started my job in July I thought it would be like the first time I was home alone - you get used to it. I never got used to the arcade, and as winter sinked so did my fear, winter is the off season for the arcade since kids and college students have school.

Every Thursday I pray for my safety, I pray to have customers, I pray to not be fearful; Ive thought about quitting before because sometimes it seems like too much but I need money for all of my school stuff and I enjoy my job too much to quit. Every since I started regularly praying for my nights at the arcade not one night since November have I been alone, sometimes I only have two people in the arcade but even then im not alone. In reality I was never alone I always had God with me but it took me a while to realize I was safe in Him since He wasnt physically with me. It's now January 21st and I have big news! God answered my prayers in a way I wasn't asking for, God exceeded my hopes just having a customer and not being alone was enough for me but God went a step further. As of last night I was told that my boss no longer wanted to work weekends and wanted to work during the week so I was given longer hours and now I only work weekends, no thursdays! My hours are the same but for different days and im getting the same pay, without ever having to be alone. The weekends are our busiest so I will always be working with someone and the arcade always has customers:)

My God is great, all powerful, a great listener, and so much more He continues to move mountains and I couldn't praise of thank Him enough.

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