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Focus on What Matters

When it comes to things in this world that we in a sense "carry" we dont tend to think of us carrying that weight. We also ignore when its time to let that weight go. If today you were to tally up all things that have been on your heart, that you've replayed, ovethinked, worried, feared, cried over, stressed over; what would be your answer to this:was it worth it, did you get something out of worrying about it, what was the center of this, how did you deal with it? Etc. Colossians 3:2 "set your affection on things above, not on things of this earth". In the midst of going through a hard time we often only see our life and the world through a set of "sunglasses". Our opinions, perspective, and mindset are effected by what problem is shadowing and shading over our life. As a result of that we don't see the big picture that God has painted for us, we get blinded. Throughout our struggles we may not see God but He sees us. God is always an ear to listen; even if we cry out not of words, He knows whats on our hearts and wants His children to speak to Him. But prayer is like calling someone, you can't answer the phone if no ones calling, God can't answer our prayers if we aren't praying. 

        Today I took the ACT. I stressed over this test for months and it was over within a few hours. This week I lost a friend  to drama. I have EOC testing this upcoming week and a vet science competition next weekend. But today i realized that not everything matters, i dont need a 4.0 to get into heaven, I dont need clothes with name brands, I dont need to have everyone to like me, I dont need to put myself through something I know isnt good for me that will ultimately tear me down and distance me from God. Its good to care about something, but lately I've put an emphasis on my troubles to the point of where they've been constantly on my mind and have been my top priority. One thing I had to realize is that in the end it's going to be okay. We hear that all the time but seriously let it sink in, It's all goong to be ok. Accepting and realizing that can work wonders as you turn your focus back to The Holy One. 

            Everything we go through God has a plan. Everything we go through is for a reason. With that in mind remember that  that things will work out according to God in God's timing, maybe not what we plan or expect but rather what we need. Pray for peace and calmness upon roaring waters, and take things as they come day by day prayer by prayer. Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof". Life is hard. Life is unfair. But as we go through life we are never alone, even though it may often feel like it. In the end, after letting go of wordly matters, as the world passes away, as we enter God's kindom: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6. Rejoice in that!!

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